
Tools of Trade Insurance

Your tools and equipment are indispensable in your daily work. From small hand tools to powerful machinery, they play a vital role in your job's success. However, when these assets sustain physical loss, destruction or damage, it can impact your work and finances. Tools & Equipment insurance can help you manage this risk. Read on to learn more, then click Get a Quote to check out our tools insurance options.

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VIZ Insurance
Oct 17 2023

Oct 17 2023

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The Significance of Your Tools

Your tools are critical in your daily work. They play a vital role in enabling tradies to complete jobs, on time and on budget.

Common Risks
The risk of physical loss, destruction or damage is constant for small trade businesses. Tools and equipment, even when locked in vehicles or on job sites are susceptible to theft, while unexpected events like fires and motor vehicle accidents can damage or destroy tools and equipment. These risks, if materialised could impact the ability for small trades businesses to complete jobs on time and on budget.

Tools & Equipment Insurance
VIZ understands the challenges tradies face and has included Tools and Equipment as an optional cover in our VIZ Tradies Insurance Pack. This insurance is designed to respond swiftly and adequately to help small trades business repair or replace their tools in the event of physical loss, destruction or damage in the event of an insured peril. This should in-turn help tradies to reduce the risks associated with finishing jobs on time and on budget and minimise out of pocket expenses.

VIZ also allows tradies to include non-owned trailers and mobile plant in the optional Tools and Equipment insurance section. Such items need to be listed as Specified Items with a suitable description.

The aggregate Limit for Specified Items and Unspecified Items combined is $25,000, with Unspecified Items having a maximum Limit of $5,000 per claim and $1,000 per item. Items valued at greater than $1,000 must be covered under Specified Items.

Any advice provided is general advice only and you should consider if it suits your needs. Please read the relevant Policy Wording to ensure the product is right for you. All product information contained within this website is subject to policy terms and conditions (including exclusion and limitations). Your use of VIZ’s website is subject to the website Terms of Use.

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VIZ Insurance